What to expect
• We understand that talking about your finances can sometimes feel overwhelming. You’ll receive ongoing support from a dedicated member of our friendly team to guide you through the process in complete confidence.
• You’ll only need to speak to your employer or former employer if you’re unable to provide proof of your employment in the insurance industry by any other means (like payslips or pension statements).
• When considering an application, we look at the household in its entirety. So, if other people live with you, we’ll need details of their finances and circumstances too.
• Applicants will need to provide independent confirmation of their eligibility (for example a CV or P60). Unfortunately, we cannot continue an application without this.
• After you’ve submitted your application and the documentation we’ve requested, we’ll confirm receipt and outline the next steps. This is likely to include a video call or a face-to-face meeting which we aim to arrange within a week.
• During a call or home visit, our welfare team or local visitor will talk to you about the issues you’re facing and review the information you’ve provided to make sure we have everything we need to move your application forward.
• If your household income isn’t meeting day-to-day essential costs, we’ll suggest ways to maximise income and reduce non-essential spending. We might also signpost you to claim any welfare benefits you may be entitled to.
• Once we have all the information we need, the Charity will consider your application and let you know our decision as soon as we possibly can.
• If you don’t meet our eligibility criteria, we cannot offer any financial help, but we’ll still try to signpost you to places where support may be available.